Welcome to the world of Keana

Keana isn’t just a boat. Keana is the adventure world of the reefs and islands of the Maldives. We offer liveaboard safaris that cover the Atolls Male, Felidu Atoll and Ari Atoll with manta rays, sharks and whale sharks. There are also safaris to the Atolls Baa, Raa and Lhaviyani. Our highlights are whale sharks at night and trips to the extreme south into the atolls Huvadu and Gan. Several times a year we offer special tours for whale watching, snorkelers and families with children.

Alex (Coco)

“From the far north to the deep south – we got you covered.”


Dive Sensei


“Let us show you our version of Maldives.”


“The sheer number of experiences and wildlife encounters on a single dive trip is simply amazing.”


Keana at a glance

  • A boat by divers for divers
  • All cabins with sea view and windows to open
  • Max 16. Divers
  • All amenities, certainly no jet skis or Jacuzzi
  • The longest experience in the Maldives
  • First competence in diving, knowledge of the country, reefs
  • Committed to preserving the environment
  • Nitrox and WIFI on demand
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Authentic Ayurveda cuisine

His name is Rankotgedere Kumar Munasinghe. For us, he is simply “Kumar” and a household name for so many guests. A fixture at KEANA since the very beginning. He can bake breakfast bread and rolls according to Austrian recipes, he can make pizza just as well as steak and fish. Above all, however, Kumar is the master of light and wholesome vegetarian and vegan cuisine. The special thing about Kumar is that he cooks Ayurvedic food from home. He is from Sri Lanka and, as a Buddhist, grew up with Ayurvedic cuisine. There are at least two Ayurvedic and vegan dishes at every meal. Kumar sources his spices from Sri Lanka and puts together the mixture himself in the true Ayurvedic tradition.